Wednesday, June 10, 2015

~my teeny tiny container garden~

Way back in 2012, I saw this article in Better Homes & Gardens and fell in love with the use of these troughs for garden beds.

That picture has stuck in my mind like glue.

So, I finally saved up enough dough and bought 3 troughs.
You can find them at home improvement stores, feed stores, or amazon here.
I bought 3, and when I got them home, they looked a little out of place on top of the ground, so I dug and dug, and dug, and dug some more, until they were close to ground level, then filled them with soil.

So far this year I only have tomatoes, bell peppers, and a variety of herbs. This little garden is close to our kitchen, so it's very handy.

Yesterday I got this wild idea to put flagstone all around. I am not quite done yet, but I like that it turns it into more of a distinct garden area.
Still lots of work to do, but here are my containers so far!

This is making me hungry!

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